Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Posting South Fork Cherry Ramp In Roux of Crawfish, Etouffee or Gumbo, Soup or Stew

Like a good soup or stew, an etouffee, or a gumbo, differentiate in there
some room for a roux(also found spelled ru and rue)
This may not be a recipe for a chowder but  to add more
 ingredients, of to many or not enough of, there may be
 plenty of ways combinations to mess up "a good chowder".
Once, you find one you wrote it down first, you got it.

From New York to California; this is about as narrowed down
as I can for reasons of time and seasons; the four seasons
and the in season; also avaiability; and style!
Pronounced MonongaheliaThe word Monongalia is a Latinized version of the
Native American word 

SERVING Side dish or Main Entree, just a cup,
(ps thats a fat bowl) the cajun spices can be modified
for lighter or sweeter,~ OVER ALL~, makin Onion/Fish
aroma/flavors elevate.....
...NOW THAT'S  just the real ideal to this recipe, but not all
of it; and not even a gjist of the sum of it; and that might be,
just as it is to note: 
to be continue... be a good one ...
... this gets it in there in the
reasonable sense!...,...

This LInk is Most Valuable Mystic Like Mountain Magical,
I found it straight up at end of this post, for linking a Keyword
search to results for "ramp stew recipes" see a link
at end of this post (not here at this point, tht's to confusing)
THis post is the recipe and all the links just help you pick
the ingredients;)i.e like the  link below to Five Ways by the
Or you can use them as the key ingredient in a recipe,
as in the following selection. The
 Ramps 'n' Taters andRamp Casserole recipes are ...

Now for whether this recipe is a soup
or a stew;
of crawfish, ramp, and roux.
Crawfish, or  craw fish, are crawdads....
...A Roux is a sauce base MORE than just a condenced version
more like an elixer for the soup or stew.
Ramp (how else the crawlfish gonna get in there?)...
Ramps are a onion  spice...
..a good i.e. is this one from the Ramp Farm introduce you to one of the most unique vegetable/herb in the world.
 The RAMP (Allium Tricoccum)
 is a member of the more well known
onion and garlic family, but that is where it stops. ...
[excert continues...
... to be; only where I see it applicable in this post's recipe:

first things first.
Where to find them.

Definition: A spicy and delicious Cajun stew traditionally made
 with crawfish, vegetables and a dark roux. Étouffée is usually
 served over rice. The word comes from the French étouffer,
which means 
to smother.Pronunciation: ay-too-FAY
Soup or Stew, for wonder condensed or constitute, keywords searched are hyperlinked

Also .gov image linked for understanding
some center localisation.
[Excerted fromWikiPedia's Soup or Stew",  i.e gumbo :]
 Stews have been made since ancient timesHerodotus says that the Scythians (8th to 4th centuries BC)"put the flesh into an animal's paunch, mix water with it, and boil it like that over the bone fire. The bones burn very well, and the paunch easily contains all the meat once it has been stripped off. In this way an ox, or any other sacrificial beast, is ingeniously made to boil itself."
Amazonian tribes used the shells of turtles as vessels, boiling
 the entrails of the turtle and various other ingredients in them.
 Other cultures used the shells of large mollusks (clams etc.)
 to boil foods in.[citation needed] There is archaeological evidence
of these practices going back 8,000 years or more. .... 

[{end excert WikiPedia Stew]

..The Ramp Farm
he RAMP is characterized by having leaves about 10 inches long
and 2 inches wide. The slender stem makes its way down to a white
bulb that is about one-half inch around. The use of the ramps are
limited only to ones imagination.

Fresh Ramps--They are harvested at their peak of maturity and when prepared is a gourmets delight.
Ramp Seeds--This is a thrifty way to grow your own ramps.
Ramp Bulbs--These are ideal for the gardener that can't wait to have instant ramps.

Okay, find your own base for your basis of stew or soup and continue from there
here is one page i found of many 
Gumbo Recipes, Soup Recipes, and Chowder Recipes


A SOFTSHELL, or Soft Shell, State.
No peeling.

  1. Étouffée - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaÉtouffée
    Étouffée is typically served over rice and is made with a roux. In the case of the Creole version of Crawfish Étouffée, it is made with a blonde or brown roux.
  2. What's the difference between gumboetouffee and jambalaya ... › ... › Food & Drink › Cooking & Recipes
    3 answers - May 26, 2006
    Gumbo is a soup made with rue (throw in whatever you have--chicken, sausage, seafood). You serve gumbo over rice. Etouffee is a thick sauce ...
    How to know how much roux to make?‎ - 4 answers - Nov 3, 2010
    Can someone tell me how to make a gumbo rue?‎ - 5 answers - Apr 26, 2008
    More results from »

     Hallel :Lit. praise G-d. Psalms 113-118, in praise of G-d, which are recited on certain holidays. See Jewish Liturgy.

  3. Difference Between Gumbo & Etouffee | › Recipes
    Difference Between Gumbo & Etouffee... Two hallmarks of these cuisines are gumbo, a hearty soup, and etouffee, a stew of ... How to Prepare a Rue for Soups ...

  4. How to Make the Base Roux for Gumbo | › Recipes
    How to Make the Base Roux for Gumbo. To make a large pot of gumbo, you'll need a lot of roux. You can always store the leftover in the freezer for the next ...

  Five Ways to Use Ramps, also known as Wild Leeks
May 12, 2007 – Or you can use them as the key ingredient in a recipe, as in the following selection. The Ramps 'n' Taters and Ramp Casserole recipes are ...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Kate Middleton vs. Pippa Middleton — Fashion Faceoff | The Thread on omg! - Yahoo! omg!

Personal message:
Rowdy in blue; welcoming the color and shade, not
enough to typecast out of order; fitting occasion
in style and statements bonds, boundaries, meaning,
sentiment or purpose. Pi Phi; the rose pedals could drape
a little further and the rich pastel pink leaves subtle room
for the blend of colors ornamentally with the lucky charm;
opal, ~ possibly?
No ~fashion ""~vs~"" to buzz any more of an OMG! than there is with either "Visa!" ~or~ Verse "a"; both unique, one to values and where she or its going, the other with a long "a"

Yahoo! OMG! shared link with .

Yahoo! Shared Story link at end post...

...Google Search Results I share first;
Hey, considering how the pink seems to grow on you (or me)...
...and how the person seems to mature in blue..
... and how this picture posed question of some perfectionist poised...
.. getting back to my priorities within unrelated search goals was an obstickle,
and to post balanced, no  pun, either interpreted of savvy 
good story,
nor within personal message; that may be the only loosed thread,
to replicate any more, or less, of drape or wrap; statemeant, "no button this",
 a snap!
Maybe now this post will make the top results without quotes.
A statemeant;  omg!...
... AHHH Yes, but which one?

Personal message: Rowdy in blue; welcoming the color and shade, not enough to typecast out of order; fitting occasion in style and statements bonds, boundaries, meaning, sentiment or purpose. Pi Phi; the rose pedals could drape a little further and the rich pastel pink leaves subtle room for the blend of colors ornamentally with the lucky charm; opal possibly?

Yahoo! OMG! shared link with

...continues here:
Kate Middleton vs. Pippa Middleton — Fashion Faceoff | The Thread on omg! - Yahoo! omg!
Kate Middleton, 30, made the blue wrap dress she wore during her official engagement announcement with Prince William in November 2010 instantly iconic. Style-savvy shoppers snapped it up so fast that it sold out in less than 24 hours, and the dress was replicated for the Duchess of Cambridge's wax figure at Madame Tussaud's wax [...]

OutLod Or Silent of THE NEW YORKER

Ad related to 2012 The goal "after gathering an accurate gage ...Why this ad?

  1. Goals 2012
    Search Goals 2012 Q&A for Goals 2012
More GOOGLE results for 2012 The goal after gathering an accurate gage or despite difficulty (without quotes) »

Read the full story

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bilbo, Bagehot, and Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012

The Solar and or what of the Bagehot. The Asteroid 2901; 2901 is in Sagittarius and The Sun is in Gemini and is about to be eclipsed by The Moon at 0 degrees  Gemini;where TO view, I intend to be in viewable area, Papago Park Phx/Tmpe Az, being nowthree days after Ascension Day of 2012, the Biblical Holiday; and roughly 3 days since Venus Direct ended of a run since after the Sunset April 8th where Venus was in a Conjunction Within the Pleiades; retrograde now 3-6days it will take its coarse back to the Pleiades before the Sunrise;while on its way we are going through another LUNAR eclipse two weeks from now of The Moon ; and Venus retrograde begins to take it back to 3 -8 degrees Taurus where then in July and the name of asteroid 2901, proposed by a former science editor of this Chromium newspaper, is Bagehot. 
 Wikipedia - It is good luck if a cuckoo is heard from the east or west.
These jaunts are called gökotta, or “early cuckoo morning”;Ascension Day 2012, May 17 is officially celebrated on a Thursday on the 40th day of Easter (or 39 days after Easter Sunday).

This is a rock that should be close to the heart of every reader of The Economist. For, just as nature abhors a vacuum, so science abhors a missed opportunity to give a name to something—and the name of asteroid 2901, proposed by a former science editor of this newspaper, is Bagehot.
That a space rock is called after a Victorian journalist shows only that, no matter how meticulous and logical they are in their methods for making discoveries, scientists can be surprisingly whimsical when it comes to naming them. And not just whimsical. In fields from astronomy to zoology, names have as much to do with scoring political points, maintaining arcane traditions, settling scores, and making bad jokes as they do with labelling things in an unambiguous manner, which is supposedly their purpose. 

In countries where it is a public holiday, Ascension Day is a free day for many workers.
Many people take a long weekend off because the day falls on a Thursday. The Friday in between is usually quiet, particularly in shops and offices. Despite Christianity being a minority religion in Indonesia, Ascension Day is a public holiday and special services take place at churches throughout the country.

Ascension Day is sometimes called Father’s Day in Germany because many Protestant men have herrenpartien “outings” on this day. 
In Sweden many people go out to the woods at 3am or 4am to hear the birds at sunrise. It is good luck if a cuckoo is heard from the east or west. 
These jaunts are called gökotta, or “early cuckoo morning”.
In countries where it is a public holiday, Ascension Day is a free day for many workers

In England, Ascension Day is associated with various water festivals ranging from Well Dressing in Derbyshire to the Planting of the “Penny Hedge” at Whitby, a small town in Yorkshire. 
  • Swiss Ephemeris contains three ephemerides. The user can choose whether he/she wants to use the original JPL DE406 data (if available at his/her site), the compressed Swiss Ephemeris data (the default) or a built in semianalytic theory by Steve Moshier. The Swiss Ephemeris package switches automatically to the available best precision ephemeris dependent on which installed ephemeris files it finds. Even without any stored ephemeris files, using the Moshier model, planetary positions with better than 0.1 seconds of arc precision are available (3 arcsec for the Moon). i
  • In addition to the astronomical planets as contained in the JPL integration, we have included all other bodies and hypothetical factors which are of interest to the astrologer. We have used our own numerical integration program to provide ephemerides for ALL known asteroids. There are over 55'000 of them and nobody will be able to use them all. We distribute these extended asteroid files via our download area; there are also CDROMs available with large sets of asteroid files.
    Asteroid reaserachers may be interested in a December 1998 article in the Economist magazine about the naming of asteroids.
  • Speed: The Swiss Ephemeris is precise and fast. On our Linux test machine, a 1000 MHz Pentium III, we compute 10'000 complete sets of planetary positions, i.e. 10'000 x 11 planets, in 9 seconds. This is 0.9 milliseconds for the complete set of exact planetary positions (consecutive 1 day steps).


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