Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10th, 10:10 And so many seconds, 2012

5 Min. Mark by 10:16; the time of day and the time it was by the time I could start up this post; editing that in again, to be at 5 minutes and so many seconds after 10:10 and so many seconds.

On "the Table" and "As Reported".

The words may escape me at times. yet to shed some light on.
And Boldly , I print to say.

October 10, 2012 : The whole Day(edited 4:21pm...)Sunrise to Sunset, dusk to dawn, and till Sunrise October 11

Astronomic :
The transit of the day.(edited 4:22pm...)

Sun conjunction Sun, , October 9th, at 02:44

Astrologic : The
Activity period
From 8 October 2012 until 10 October 2012

U.S. Naval Observatory
Astronomical Applications Department ...

The Maya Calendar stufff...
..."Kan" Thats what was written about on this original date,
last we checked in 1962. And if thats the same as a birthday return,
of  how my next is 4/3/2013
and what also could be 12/21/2012


..think Im going to call my friend _____(first edit, edited out),
... fathom the more mystic stories to ballance with data; and this
of astrononmy and astrology current from a more knowledgable astrologer, with
scriptures and reasonings from a more formal clergy...
..and maybe get a burrito tomorrow.
Church dinner tonight at 5:30 to 8:30)(first edit error)(missed that one)
(first edit meant)
(The first sounds of the morning and the first words I hear,
I did not expect....
... Just opening my eyes and thinking to slap a little water in my face.
{ I hear your voice!}
"It's your birthday!"

FUNNY, when that is simply LIKE FUN, it is not a laugh;
IT IS A nice feeling when it arives in a more welcomed sense
than one could, or was, in fathoming, of expectations.
 Some unexpected GOOD, or GLADNESS.
{ It s just A WORD, but it rings well from you!}
{Gladdened me!}
{The spirit and meaning you bring is always prevelent and deere.}
All The Friends, they also echoe in this, and of You, as I say, THIS - I AM SURE!
Yes to you, yet to them also I write;
for they too can recognise this of you!
And THEY ARE THIS deere to you; YOU ARE TO THEM SO!!
I am not in control of this feeling and its getting bigger, and
i have no idea how this day might progress... I gotta get my shttt together fast for all

i WANT TO WRITE AS MUCH AS i CAN BY 2PM , to get this portion out to you... later I will edit in more.)

Abouit all the star watching and eclipses and New Moons
The anomallies of the sky that I had miscalculated, and told others...
It reminds me of the crow that I could hear but never see,
Then one day I saw a dove at the same time
I hesitate to think it was the same place the sound came from..
..turned out it was; and on that day I had confirmed
a stranger was passing by then at that very moment.
Quickly I spoke up, as I saw the expression on the strangers face
since he had seen it, and heard it; just like I tjust told you!
So I said, as I looked at the dove instead of the stranger
Hey Dove, you're not a Crow.
I heared it regualarly for a couple months, and saw it flying arround
its still close by.
But one day in the park by the Library Park, I heard a Rooster!
When I saw in the  nest it was A DOVE!
The other dove, and making it's crow sound.

Somethings Some  Times, you just can't tell

(10:37 editing this in here now):
(To think sometimes that with just a little planning, with a little rehersal, with at least a little thought into some streams of what may be a signifigant, important, appreciated, adohred, admired; and "oh" as this vocabulary continues, the language, the vibrations, all darling of awe; and harmony, in harmony; and of that, harmoniously the whole and fabric layers, participant participles of affect and affection and effect; for lack of a better word/no~!~strike~that~; for the abundance of a better word:
LOVE! ~~ Darling; just so, yes, indeed!)
(1:34 editing in this here now; {I fell aslleep, for a slite nap}) (:) (To add all the words that best describe, and all the words I would like to convey...)(...and of all the words I may just not find) (and hoping the ones I do make sense)(and are the right words)(and spelled right)
I:40pm : It may take me awhile to get each out my thanks.
All along thats all I really had to say.
So I will say it more directly: Thanks Alll!
Thankyou To:
__________ You All!
__________ Me!
I really thought a while before as the day approched:
...To have a cook out again this year and invite ALL!
...To cook Out this year and whoever, almostly,  was around would be welcomed
and again this year I 'ld share!
Now I don't recall if that was last year or the year before!
I didn't expect to find instead, from many, the many, even any, of me that cared.
Thanks for showing it every day.
Tolerating me too, now and then... )(end edit)
Sun and Moon Data for One Day

The following information is provided for Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (longitude W112.1, latitude N33.5):
10 October 2012 Mountain Standard Time

Begin civil twilight 6:05 a.m.
Sunrise 6:30 a.m.
Sun transit 12:15 p.m.
Sunset 6:00 p.m.
End civil twilight 6:25 p.m.

Moonset 2:15 p.m. on preceding day
Moonrise 1:25 a.m.
Moon transit 8:12 a.m.
Moonset 2:52 p.m.
Moonrise 2:25 a.m. on following day

Phase of the Moon on 10 October: waning crescent with 26% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated.
Last quarter Moon on 8 October 2012 at 12:34 a.m. Mountain Standard Time

Aztec and Maya Calendar
Did you know?
The Aztec, Maya and most other mesoamerican people used the same 260-day calendar with an identical correlation. So the Aztec date 1-Cipactli corresponds to 1-Imix for the Maya, etcetera.
Links to Month: January February March April May June July August September October November December Day: Year: Gregorian calendarJulian calendar

In the tonalpohualli,
the sacred Aztec calendar,
this day (Wednesday, October 10, 2012) is:

day Trecena:
13-day period Xihuitl:
solar year 10 - Tochtli (rabbit) 1 - Quiahuitl (rain) 1 - Calli (house)

Lord of the Night Xiuhpohualli:

365-day calendar Long Count: (Mayan calendar)
Tlazolteotl 5 - Izcalli (I)

The significance of this day:
Day Tochtli (Rabbit) is governed by Mayahuel, Goddess of the Maguey and of Fertility, as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. Tochtli is a day of self-sacrifice and service to something greater than oneself. It signifies the religious attitude which holds everything sacred and results in experiences of self-transcendence. It is a mystical day, associated by the passages of the moon. It is a good day for communing with nature and spirit, a bad day for acting against others.

The thirteen day period (trecena) that starts with day 1-Quiahuitl (Rain) is ruled by Tlaloc, He Who Makes Things Sprout, god of rain, lightning and thunder. This trecena represents a time of alternating drought and flood. There is either not enough or too much. It is a time of hardship and suffering. The rainmaker stands alone atop the mountain, holding firesticks and a medicine bundle: help will be offered but may not be accepted. Some will have prepared for this time but not enough to care for everyone in need. These are good days to pursue solitude and learning; bad days to count on others.

Oh and of KAN ...
At its most basic and fundamental level, the Mesoamerican, or Mayan, Calendar is made up of:
  • the Tzolk’in or “ritual almanac” of 260 days, comprised of 20 symbolic day signs and a series of 13 numbers (13 x 20 = 260), plus..
  • a solar calendar of 365 days, called the Haab in Yucatec Maya.
The Tzolk’in and the Haab interlock and intermesh with one another like cogs in a wheel. The same combination of numbered days in the Tzolk’in and the Haab (for example, 13 Akbal in the Tzolk’in and 10 Yaxkin in the Haab) will re-occur once every 52 years. This 52-year cycle is known as a Calendar Round.
The Tzolk’in and the solar calendar were common to almost all peoples of Mesoamerica. They are still in use today among traditional peoples, especially the Tzolk’in; the ancient solar calendar is much more rare, but both of these calendrical factors are still used by the Ki’che’ Maya of highland Guatemala. The Tzolk’in forms the basis of much Mayan magic and ritual; it is a system of astrology as well as divination. The daysigns of the Tzolk’in comprise the essential myths and archetypes of ancient Mexico and the Mayan lands.
People such as the Maya, the Toltecs, the Aztecs and the Hopi all shared a concept which we might call “cycles of emergence.” According to this shared cultural view, the world has been created and destroyed a number of times. Each world the gods have brought into being has been created with the hope that humankind will worship the divine powers properly; more often than not, of course, the gods are disappointed. Their continuing attempts to create a perfect being, one who will honor the sacred, is the foundation of evolution. The Hopi say that humankind has been successively "emerging" through four different worlds. The world is always in a state of emergence, never static. It is constantly developing, and hence unstable. It must therefore be maintained. It is only through the prayers of human beings and their spiritual behavior that the world's equilibrium is made possible.
The idea of humankind's spiritual evolution lies at the heart of the history of the cosmos as the Maya understood it. Because each world carries with it the same eternal, recurring process, their view of the universe is circular, like that of other indigenous traditions. But the concept of continuing evolution also gives the Mesoamerican world view a linear quality, a sense of ongoing development. In Mayan thought, the linear and the circular world views are combined into what we might describe as a spiral, inherently circular but forever upward-moving. Indeed, the Hopi sometimes do refer to the “spiral of emergence.”
The so-called “end date” of December 21, 2012, that so many Westerners ask about, is based on the time-keeping system known as the Long Count, which was used to compute large cosmic and historical cycles. The Long Count endowed the Maya with a sense of cosmic vision that made them unique. Though all Mesoamerican civilizations made use of the Sacred Calendar, only the Classic Period Maya practiced the Long Count. Whether or not they invented it, they adapted it as their own and made it one of the foundation stones of their culture. In a way, it is a measure of their unique mathematical and philosophical gifts. The Great Cycle—that span of time which began in 3114 BCE and ends upon the much heralded event of December 21, 2012—is part of the Long Count. With the invention of the Great Cycle, the Maya were making a bold and powerful effort to mathematically quantify and define the cycles of world emergence.
Although the Maya and other Mesoamerican societies had a solar year of 365 days, the Long Count is based upon a “mathematical year” of 360 days, called a tun, which means “stone” in Mayan. 20 tuns was a k’atun, which means a “twenty stones.” 20 k’atuns constituted a bak’tun, signifying “a bundle of stones” and comprised of 400 tuns. 13 bak’tuns made up a Great Cycle, which adds up to 5,200 tuns and 260 k’atuns.
All Long Count dates contain the following elements, written in this order: the bak’tun, the k’atun, the tun, the winal or 20-day period, and the k’in or day. A Mayan date such as (July 5, 674 AD) means that 9 bak’tuns, 12 k’atuns, 2 tuns, 0 winals, and 16 k’ins have passed since the creation date in 3114 BCE.
Those who perceive the end of the Great Cycle as a catastrophe or cataclysm may wish to note that the Maya conceived of epochs or ages that were much longer than the Great Cycle. A p’iktun was comprised of 8,000 tuns or 20 bak’tuns. A kalabtun was 160,000 tuns, and a kinchiltun was 3,200,000 tuns. The present p’iktun will end on October 13, 4772 AD, a date which was carved in the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque.

  • El Quetzal Issue 48 : 1 Kan / K'at | The Mayan Calendar Portal
    Jul 4: 1, Kan/K'at. Jul 5: 2, Chicchan/Kan. Jul 6: 3, Cimi/Kame. Jul 7: 4, Manik'/Kej. Jul 8: 5, Lamat/Q'anil. Jul 9: 6, Muluc/Toj. Jul 10: 7, Oc/Tz'i. Jul 11: 8 ...
  • Mayan Majix - 1 - Seed (Kan)
    Mayan Majix - Learn about the Mayan Calendar, Mayan Astrology, Mayan Jewelry ... 1 Kan (Seed/Lizard) – Inherent potential, germination, dynamic emergence, ...
  • Tzolkin: 13 Kan - Mayan Calendar
    Mayan Horoscope 1.2.1928. Tzolkin: 13 Kan. Long Count: Kan symbolizes the power of the universe, the heat of Kan, the first ...

  • Saturday, June 23, 2012

    SUMMER TIME 2012

    1.Havasu Falls, Havasupai Arizona- This not-so-secret oasis in the middle of the Arizona desert is far and away the most enjoyable hike on the list. Located a difficult 10 miles from civilization, there's only two ways to reach the falls-- by helicopter or by a steep and challenging trek.
    Once you've arrived you'll be reward with pristine turquoise water, 100-foot waterfalls, and views of the Grand Canyon's South Rim.  This place rivals the fictional world portrayed in Avatar.
    Highlight- You'll quickly understand why the native word "Havasupai" means "people of the blue-green waters"
    Getting There- Park at the lot at Hualapai Hilltop, about 100 miles from the closest town, Seligman, Arizona. Tip: hire the help of a horse or mule from the locals to carry the heavy stuff on your hike.

    Wednesday, May 30, 2012

    Posting South Fork Cherry Ramp In Roux of Crawfish, Etouffee or Gumbo, Soup or Stew

    Like a good soup or stew, an etouffee, or a gumbo, differentiate in there
    some room for a roux(also found spelled ru and rue)
    This may not be a recipe for a chowder but  to add more
     ingredients, of to many or not enough of, there may be
     plenty of ways combinations to mess up "a good chowder".
    Once, you find one you wrote it down first, you got it.

    From New York to California; this is about as narrowed down
    as I can for reasons of time and seasons; the four seasons
    and the in season; also avaiability; and style!
    Pronounced MonongaheliaThe word Monongalia is a Latinized version of the
    Native American word 

    SERVING Side dish or Main Entree, just a cup,
    (ps thats a fat bowl) the cajun spices can be modified
    for lighter or sweeter,~ OVER ALL~, makin Onion/Fish
    aroma/flavors elevate.....
    ...NOW THAT'S  just the real ideal to this recipe, but not all
    of it; and not even a gjist of the sum of it; and that might be,
    just as it is to note: 
    to be continue... be a good one ...
    ... this gets it in there in the
    reasonable sense!...,...

    This LInk is Most Valuable Mystic Like Mountain Magical,
    I found it straight up at end of this post, for linking a Keyword
    search to results for "ramp stew recipes" see a link
    at end of this post (not here at this point, tht's to confusing)
    THis post is the recipe and all the links just help you pick
    the ingredients;)i.e like the  link below to Five Ways by the
    Or you can use them as the key ingredient in a recipe,
    as in the following selection. The
     Ramps 'n' Taters andRamp Casserole recipes are ...

    Now for whether this recipe is a soup
    or a stew;
    of crawfish, ramp, and roux.
    Crawfish, or  craw fish, are crawdads....
    ...A Roux is a sauce base MORE than just a condenced version
    more like an elixer for the soup or stew.
    Ramp (how else the crawlfish gonna get in there?)...
    Ramps are a onion  spice...
    ..a good i.e. is this one from the Ramp Farm introduce you to one of the most unique vegetable/herb in the world.
     The RAMP (Allium Tricoccum)
     is a member of the more well known
    onion and garlic family, but that is where it stops. ...
    [excert continues...
    ... to be; only where I see it applicable in this post's recipe:

    first things first.
    Where to find them.

    Definition: A spicy and delicious Cajun stew traditionally made
     with crawfish, vegetables and a dark roux. Étouffée is usually
     served over rice. The word comes from the French étouffer,
    which means 
    to smother.Pronunciation: ay-too-FAY
    Soup or Stew, for wonder condensed or constitute, keywords searched are hyperlinked

    Also .gov image linked for understanding
    some center localisation.
    [Excerted fromWikiPedia's Soup or Stew",  i.e gumbo :]
     Stews have been made since ancient timesHerodotus says that the Scythians (8th to 4th centuries BC)"put the flesh into an animal's paunch, mix water with it, and boil it like that over the bone fire. The bones burn very well, and the paunch easily contains all the meat once it has been stripped off. In this way an ox, or any other sacrificial beast, is ingeniously made to boil itself."
    Amazonian tribes used the shells of turtles as vessels, boiling
     the entrails of the turtle and various other ingredients in them.
     Other cultures used the shells of large mollusks (clams etc.)
     to boil foods in.[citation needed] There is archaeological evidence
    of these practices going back 8,000 years or more. .... 

    [{end excert WikiPedia Stew]

    ..The Ramp Farm
    he RAMP is characterized by having leaves about 10 inches long
    and 2 inches wide. The slender stem makes its way down to a white
    bulb that is about one-half inch around. The use of the ramps are
    limited only to ones imagination.

    Fresh Ramps--They are harvested at their peak of maturity and when prepared is a gourmets delight.
    Ramp Seeds--This is a thrifty way to grow your own ramps.
    Ramp Bulbs--These are ideal for the gardener that can't wait to have instant ramps.

    Okay, find your own base for your basis of stew or soup and continue from there
    here is one page i found of many 
    Gumbo Recipes, Soup Recipes, and Chowder Recipes


    A SOFTSHELL, or Soft Shell, State.
    No peeling.

    1. Étouffée - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaÉtouffée
      Étouffée is typically served over rice and is made with a roux. In the case of the Creole version of Crawfish Étouffée, it is made with a blonde or brown roux.
    2. What's the difference between gumboetouffee and jambalaya ... › ... › Food & Drink › Cooking & Recipes
      3 answers - May 26, 2006
      Gumbo is a soup made with rue (throw in whatever you have--chicken, sausage, seafood). You serve gumbo over rice. Etouffee is a thick sauce ...
      How to know how much roux to make?‎ - 4 answers - Nov 3, 2010
      Can someone tell me how to make a gumbo rue?‎ - 5 answers - Apr 26, 2008
      More results from »

       Hallel :Lit. praise G-d. Psalms 113-118, in praise of G-d, which are recited on certain holidays. See Jewish Liturgy.

    3. Difference Between Gumbo & Etouffee | › Recipes
      Difference Between Gumbo & Etouffee... Two hallmarks of these cuisines are gumbo, a hearty soup, and etouffee, a stew of ... How to Prepare a Rue for Soups ...

    4. How to Make the Base Roux for Gumbo | › Recipes
      How to Make the Base Roux for Gumbo. To make a large pot of gumbo, you'll need a lot of roux. You can always store the leftover in the freezer for the next ...

      Five Ways to Use Ramps, also known as Wild Leeks
    May 12, 2007 – Or you can use them as the key ingredient in a recipe, as in the following selection. The Ramps 'n' Taters and Ramp Casserole recipes are ...

    Monday, May 28, 2012

    Kate Middleton vs. Pippa Middleton — Fashion Faceoff | The Thread on omg! - Yahoo! omg!

    Personal message:
    Rowdy in blue; welcoming the color and shade, not
    enough to typecast out of order; fitting occasion
    in style and statements bonds, boundaries, meaning,
    sentiment or purpose. Pi Phi; the rose pedals could drape
    a little further and the rich pastel pink leaves subtle room
    for the blend of colors ornamentally with the lucky charm;
    opal, ~ possibly?
    No ~fashion ""~vs~"" to buzz any more of an OMG! than there is with either "Visa!" ~or~ Verse "a"; both unique, one to values and where she or its going, the other with a long "a"

    Yahoo! OMG! shared link with .

    Yahoo! Shared Story link at end post...

    ...Google Search Results I share first;
    Hey, considering how the pink seems to grow on you (or me)...
    ...and how the person seems to mature in blue..
    ... and how this picture posed question of some perfectionist poised...
    .. getting back to my priorities within unrelated search goals was an obstickle,
    and to post balanced, no  pun, either interpreted of savvy 
    good story,
    nor within personal message; that may be the only loosed thread,
    to replicate any more, or less, of drape or wrap; statemeant, "no button this",
     a snap!
    Maybe now this post will make the top results without quotes.
    A statemeant;  omg!...
    ... AHHH Yes, but which one?

    Personal message: Rowdy in blue; welcoming the color and shade, not enough to typecast out of order; fitting occasion in style and statements bonds, boundaries, meaning, sentiment or purpose. Pi Phi; the rose pedals could drape a little further and the rich pastel pink leaves subtle room for the blend of colors ornamentally with the lucky charm; opal possibly?

    Yahoo! OMG! shared link with

    ...continues here:
    Kate Middleton vs. Pippa Middleton — Fashion Faceoff | The Thread on omg! - Yahoo! omg!
    Kate Middleton, 30, made the blue wrap dress she wore during her official engagement announcement with Prince William in November 2010 instantly iconic. Style-savvy shoppers snapped it up so fast that it sold out in less than 24 hours, and the dress was replicated for the Duchess of Cambridge's wax figure at Madame Tussaud's wax [...]

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