Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lost in Sprawl, Shaping The World

The Fifth "this degree" describes "a righteous, calm"...
An August 6th, 2011 Video Document iS AN iNTERESTING PROCESS TO CORALATE; vision pairs well to the "from and to", whether things differ much from one day to the next,and the next and the next; pairing these to this blogs first post topic "thoughts on our relationships with "the land or earth"; "our home" and where we've established the location ; "our homes" as a utility to family lifestyle and functionalities..."(from February 27, 2009)
Lost in Sprawl from News 21 Berkeley 2011 on Vimeo.

..AND where then do we go...

THAT CALENDAR OF Past Events(Image at left, linked) where first concepts of Matts Video project (at least the first found on an internet browse) is an interesting starting point to look back at. Several enviromental calendar links are still working and seem to be of "The Arts" more so than enviromental; so, really think about that, the perspective of "our place" may help to inspire a little more of what we really need to do both individually and unitarily, unilaterally of course, as well as longitude:) and that is to apply these, is for us to work our "dreams" and "visions"!

The History Of The World Goes Back A Ways, so I'll include the Stars here first before setteling down to Earth on the results . i.e Gideons starting August 5th(yesterday), today, and through Tuesday , August 9th, 2011(scroll down just a little for that)

At some description, various themes of noticed historic topics blend in here; call it, related.
""...Of course, this calls for a fair amount of flexibility and perception. The vulture is all about higher awareness. ..."

To understand kachina properties, we must first have a foundation of the endlessly creative and strongly spiritual Hopi people.

Hopi, or Hopitu-shinumu, means Peaceful People. They are expert craftspeople, and possessed uncommon agricultural skills. The Hopi connection with the land, cultivating, and harvesting is truly superior. Specifically, their ability to skillfully coax yielding corn from the desert sands is to be commended.

why creativity needs to be cultivated and
is necessary for the future of our country,
if not the world

August 5th; Morning Study; 1) Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.... August 6th; Morning Study; 1) Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth. ... August 7th; Morning Study; 1) O god, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.... August 8th; Morning Study; 1) God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.... August 9th; Morning Study; 1) Lord, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. His foundation is in the holy mountains.
I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,
2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. 3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:(4) Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;(5) Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.

August 5th Morning Study Psalm 75 Psalm 76 Psalm 77
Evening Study Romans 6 August 6th Morning Study Psalm 78 Evening Study Romans 7

Of Course the keywords added TO THE GOOGLE DOCUMENTS BELOW AND THE Bible verses that follow, were agin the keywords set to "Dreams and Visions" of both the young and old of our days today, and of wunders accross the longitude and latitudes and what could benifit from these ecco Earth friendly concepts within our many Earth cultures; that is to the explored concepts, of what can be helpful in those more localized regions of both our own and of others.

In Roman mythology the vulture was the steed of the god Saturn (dominion over justice, agriculture, harvest and strength via control). The vulture was also associated with the god Mars (representative of strategy, military, masculinity, initiations, and protection).

The vulture was also sacred to Apollo, and picks up symbolism of higher knowing, prophecy and oracular understanding (which plays nicely into the bird symbolism linked to the mental element of air).

In fact, Native American seers held the vultures flight pattern as an augury. Shamans of great skill could interpret the language of vulture flight to reveal important weather signs and omens.

Native Americans also deemed the vulture as a symbol of renewal and linked it with renewal themes seen in the rising of a new sun every day . Solar renewal symbolism is due to the same reasons my Uncle Dan cited (opening their wing to greet the new day).

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About 893,000 results Search Options astrology "relationships with the land"

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KEYWORDS: thunderbird legend ojibwe legend ojibwa legend ojibway legend Anishinaubeg legend Indian legend oral story oral history myth firefly legend limited edition art prints art print Indian art print

AUTHOR: Ojibwe Oral Story
......Now that the little thunderbirds could feed themselves, the parents expected to be able to relax and enjoy some quiet.

That year they had no time to rest. No sooner had the little ones taken the clouds than the fights began. As their parents watched in growing alarm, they fought over wisps of delicious black cloud.

When they came to the nests, they battled about positions near their mothers' warm breasts. They tweaked out tail feathers, just to tease. They were always wrestling. The nests were very noisy and very uncomfortable for all the thunderbirds.

Not only were the young birds nuisances at home they looked for trouble in the sky. Their favorite trick was to pile cloud upon cloud until the bottoms of the lowest clouds turned into heavy black cumulonimbus clouds of great power.

Then the little bird sputtered out rolling grumbles of thunder and their eyes shot out tiny chains of lightning. The clouds tumbled down upon another until the whole sky was a mottled grey. Then, of course, the naughty birds swooped back to the nests and their parents had to end the storm.

The fathers did not know what to do about their troublesome children. At last they decided to teach them to play lacrosse. They hoped that the young would tire themselves out. Then order could be restored to the sky.

The little thunderbirds learned fast. As you would expect, however, they were careless and thoughtless in their play. Some cut their beaks and others had all their tail feathers pulled out. Still they wanted to play lacrosse. They played from horizon to horizon, from sunrise to dusk, all day, every day.

Their wings grew sore from throwing the big ball their fathers had made for them from the lightning of a tremendous storm. The little thunderbirds did not complain, nor did they rest. They became stronger as they grew older.

Soon the little thunderbirds could throw the ball farther and farther and the game grew more interesting. Although they were strong and quick, they were also very rough.

One day a little thunderbird took a mighty sweep and bounced the ball across the goal line, past the line of clouds building up on the horizon, down, far down, to the earth below.

No matter how fast the small thunderbirds chased, swooping and diving, they could not catch it. One of them hurried to the parents for help, but they could do nothing. Before their horrified eyes, the ball plunged to the earth below, crashing with a roar that shook the skies.

The ball scooped out a huge, irregular basin, which we now call the Hudson Bay. As the ball broke into pieces, it created all the little lakes in northern Ontario. What a roar of thunder and flash of lightning followed!

There was so much noise and brightness that several stars slipped from their places in the sky. They recovered, hung for a moment, and then fell headlong to the earth below. There they broke into thousands of pieces, which blinked on and off, on and off. The fall had changed the stars into fireflies.

To this day the fireflies can still be seen blinking on and off. People sometimes call them lightning bugs, and so they are, since they were created by thunder and lightning which shook the stars form the sky.

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